One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

Discover Printy Hall!

Printy Hall is in a prime location, right across from the Dixon Ministry Center and next to Callan Athletic Center. It is a unit-style dorm, with four rooms for two girls each sharing a bathroom and a small lounge.

Printy is made up of primarily freshmen. Printy has many fun events and traditions, including Printy Wars, The Gauntlet, and Appreciation Week. Residents share a strong bond with our brother dorm, Lawlor Hall, including weekly bro/sis brunches, community birthday parties, and Lawlinty Worship Night. It has a coed lounge, a women's lounge, laundry facilities, and height-adjustable beds.


  • Twin Bed

  • TV Lounge

  • Style - Unit

  • Laundry Facility

  • Kitchen

  • Gender - Female

  • Furnished

Sample Room

Printy Hall 360 Dorm Tour

Explore Printy Hall with Printy RA Quinci Voisard in this unique 360-degree tour experience. You'll hear about dorm culture and an inside look at life and community at Cedarville.

Pannellum 2.5.6


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  • Printy Room Layout

    Room Layout

    View the layout and dimensions for a sample room in this residence hall.
    View the Dimensions

Meet the RD

Photo of Alexis McKay

Alexis McKay

Resident Director for Printy

Education: BA in Christian Studies, Master of Divinity (in progress)
Hometown: I moved around several times growing up but most recently moved from Fort Worth, TX
Hobbies: Doing anything with friends, being outside, and reading
Favorite Book: The Harry Potter series, Little Women, Screwtape Letters, and Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness
Favorite Place: My favorite place that I’ve traveled to is Iceland!
Favorite Snacks: Any and all candy and popcorn!